====== Weston Hayes ====== {{ :characters:weston_hayes.jpg?200|}} Police inspector for the South Wales Police Department in [[Locations: Sydney]]. Middle-aged, forceful, foul-mouthed and bad-mannered, slightly obese, limps on his left leg and walks with the help of a cane. He investigated the murder of Lily Lowe for the South Wales Police Department. Interviewed [[Characters: Yaleesha Essam]], [[Characters: Jack Corey]], [[Characters: Li Wen-Cheng]] and [[Characters: Vincent Martel]] soon after their arrival and was instantly suspicious about their involvement with the [[Organizations: Lamplighters]], whom he considered to be a dangerous cult and in some way responsible for the murder he was investigating. Later, on his order, the investigators were arrested, interrogated again and briefly imprisoned, before the [[Organizations: Lamplighters]] paid off Weston's superiors. Forced to let them go, he orchestrated their beatdown as a parting gift.